This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Усе артыкулы
Перайсці да навігацыі
Перайсці да пошуку
- 3D
- About Board Game Arena
- About us
- BGA Code Sharing
- BGA Game licenses
- BGA Studio Cookbook
- BGA Studio Guidelines
- BGA Undo policy
- BGA game Lifecycle
- Browser support
- Characters in "The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow"
- Club Board Game Arena
- Contact us
- Counter
- Create a game in BGA Studio: Complete Walkthrough
- Css Customization
- Deck
- Faq
- First steps with BGA Studio
- Fullguidesantorini
- Game art: img directory
- Game clock
- Game database model: dbmodel.sql
- Game interface logic: yourgamename.js
- Game interface logic (yourgamename.js)
- Game interface stylesheet: yourgamename.css
- Game layout: view and template: yourgamename.view.php and yourgamename yourgamename.tpl
- Game material description:
- Game meta-information:
- Game options and preferences:
- Game replay
- Game statistics:
- Gamehelpacquire
- Gamehelpakeruption
- Gamehelpaknile
- Gamehelpalhambra
- Gamehelpalveole
- Gamehelpamyitis
- Gamehelpapocalypseazcc
- Gamehelparmadora
- Gamehelpassyria
- Gamehelpautomobiles
- Gamehelpbackgammon
- Gamehelpbandido
- Gamehelpbarbu
- Gamehelpbattleforhill
- Gamehelpbattleoflits
- Gamehelpbattlesheep
- Gamehelpbattleship
- Gamehelpbelote
- Gamehelpbiyi
- Gamehelpblooms
- Gamehelpbobail
- Gamehelpbombay
- Gamehelpbonbons
- Gamehelpboomeranglm
- Gamehelpbriscola
- Gamehelpbubbleepop
- Gamehelpbutterfly
- Gamehelpbutterflygame
- Gamehelpbuttons
- Gamehelpcantstop
- Gamehelpcaptainflip
- Gamehelpcarcassonne
- Gamehelpcaribbeanallfours
- Gamehelpcarnegie
- Gamehelpcarrara
- Gamehelpcastaways
- Gamehelpcaylus
- Gamehelpcelestia
- Gamehelpchakra
- Gamehelpcheckers
- Gamehelpchess
- Gamehelpchinagold
- Gamehelpcinco
- Gamehelpcircleoflife
- Gamehelpcityofthebigshoulders
- Gamehelpclansofcaledonia
- Gamehelpclassicgo
- Gamehelpcoinche
- Gamehelpcoloretto
- Gamehelpcolorpop
- Gamehelpcoltexpress
- Gamehelpconnectfour
- Gamehelpconnectsix
- Gamehelpconnectsixvs
- Gamehelpconsonar
- Gamehelpcoupcitystate
- Gamehelpcrazyfarmers
- Gamehelpcribbage
- Gamehelpcubirds
- Gamehelpdarkagent
- Gamehelpdiams
- Gamehelpdiceforge
- Gamehelpdiceforgerebellion
- Gamehelpdicesummoners
- Gamehelpdingosdreams
- Gamehelpdinosaurteaparty
- Gamehelpdjambi
- Gamehelpdominion
- Gamehelpdownforce
- Gamehelpdraftosaurus
- Gamehelpdragoncastle
- Gamehelpdragonheart
- Gamehelpdragonkeeper
- Gamehelpdragonline
- Gamehelpdudo
- Gamehelpdungeonroll
- Gamehelpdungeontwister
- Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge
- Gamehelpelfenland
- Gamehelpemdomicrocosm
- Gamehelpeminentdomain
- Gamehelpevogamenoname
- Gamehelpexplorationwarzone
- Gamehelpfinity
- Gamehelpfistfulofgold
- Gamehelpflamingpyramids
- Gamehelpfleet
- Gamehelpflorenzacardgame
- Gamehelpforbiddenisland
- Gamehelpforsale
- Gamehelpfourcolorcards
- Gamehelpfptutorial
- Gamehelpfrenchtarot
- Gamehelpgaia
- Gamehelpgearnpiston
- Gamehelpgeekoutmasters
- Gamehelpgeekoutmastersok
- Gamehelpgmtunconditionalsurrender
- Gamehelpgomoku
- Gamehelpgorami
- Gamehelpgosu
- Gamehelpgrosstarock
- Gamehelpgyges
- Gamehelphacktrick
- Gamehelphaggis
- Gamehelphaiclue
- Gamehelphanabi
- Gamehelphanabigf
- Gamehelphandandfoot
- Gamehelphawaii
- Gamehelpheadwinds
- Gamehelphearts
- Gamehelphex
- Gamehelphive
- Gamehelphypnosia
- Gamehelpicecoldicehockey
- Gamehelpidiot
- Gamehelpillustori
- Gamehelpincangold
- Gamehelpindianchief
- Gamehelpinjawara
- Gamehelpinnovation
- Gamehelpintheyearofthedragon
- Gamehelpinventors
- Gamehelpisaac
- Gamehelpjaipur
- Gamehelpjumpgate
- Gamehelpk2
- Gamehelpkabaleo
- Gamehelpkahuna
- Gamehelpkalah
- Gamehelpkeyflower
- Gamehelpkingdombuilder
- Gamehelpkingdomino
- Gamehelpkingsguild
- Gamehelpkoikoi
- Gamehelpkoryo
- Gamehelpkqj
- Gamehelpkrosmasterarena
- Gamehelplagranja
- Gamehelpledernierpeuple
- Gamehelplettertycoon
- Gamehelplewisclark
- Gamehelplheuredesombres
- Gamehelplibertalia
- Gamehelplinesofaction
- Gamehelplogger
- Gamehelplostcities
- Gamehelploveletter
- Gamehelplox
- Gamehelpluckynumbers
- Gamehelpmachiavelli
- Gamehelpmadeira
- Gamehelpmammalath
- Gamehelpmancala
- Gamehelpmapmaker
- Gamehelpmarcopolo
- Gamehelpmarrakech
- Gamehelpmarram
- Gamehelpmartiandice
- Gamehelpmeadow
- Gamehelpmetromaniab
- Gamehelpmijnlieff
- Gamehelpnangaparbat
- Gamehelpnautilus
- Gamehelpneutreeko
- Gamehelpniagara
- Gamehelpninemensmorris
- Gamehelpninetynine
- Gamehelpnoirkvi
- Gamehelpnorthwestpassage
- Gamehelpnotalone
- Gamehelpnxs
- Gamehelpofftherails
- Gamehelpohhell
- Gamehelpohseven
- Gamehelporigin
- Gamehelpoutlaws
- Gamehelppalace
- Gamehelppapayoo
- Gamehelppedro
- Gamehelppennypress
- Gamehelpphat
- Gamehelppi
- Gamehelppiratenkapern
- Gamehelppitchfour
- Gamehelppolis
- Gamehelppontedeldiavolo
- Gamehelppotionexplosion
- Gamehelppresident
- Gamehelppuertorico
- Gamehelppylos
- Gamehelpquantum
- Gamehelpquarto
- Gamehelpquoridor
- Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy
- Gamehelprallymangt
- Gamehelpredseven
- Gamehelpredsevengame
- Gamehelprememberwhen
- Gamehelpreversi
- Gamehelprisingempires
- Gamehelprollforthegalaxy
- Gamehelproomtwentyfive
- Gamehelpruhr
- Gamehelprussianrailroads
- Gamehelpsaboteur
- Gamehelpsaintpetersburg
- Gamehelpsaintpoker
- Gamehelpsantorini
- Gamehelpsapiens
- Gamehelpseasons
- Gamehelpsechsnimmt
- Gamehelpsecretmoon
- Gamehelpsenet
- Gamehelpsevenwonders
- Gamehelpsevenwondersduel
- Gamehelpsiam
- Gamehelpsignorie
- Gamehelpskat
- Gamehelpslapshot
- Gamehelpsleepingqueens
- Gamehelpsmallislands
- Gamehelpsobek
- Gamehelpsolo
- Gamehelpsolowhist
- Gamehelpsoluna
- Gamehelpspadesjim
- Gamehelpsplits
- Gamehelpspyrium
- Gamehelpstirfryeighteen
- Gamehelpstoneage
- Gamehelpsushigo
- Gamehelptablut
- Gamehelptactik
- Gamehelptakaraisland
- Gamehelptakenoko
- Gamehelptaluva
- Gamehelptargi
- Gamehelptashkalar
- Gamehelpteatime
- Gamehelpteotihuacan
- Gamehelpterramystica
- Gamehelpthebuilders
- Gamehelpthecrew
- Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab
- Gamehelpthermopyles
- Gamehelpthevoid
- Gamehelpthrive
- Gamehelpthroughtheages
- Gamehelpthroughtheagesnewstory
- Gamehelptichu
- Gamehelptimemasters
- Gamehelptobago
- Gamehelptoc
- Gamehelptock
- Gamehelptoeshambo
- Gamehelptokaido
- Gamehelptournay
- Gamehelptrekkingtheworld
- Gamehelptroyes
- Gamehelpturnthetide
- Gamehelptwintinbots
- Gamehelptzolkin
- Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype
- Gamehelpunconditionalsurrender
- Gamehelpunitedsquare
- Gamehelpveggiegarden
- Gamehelpveletas
- Gamehelpvillagers
- Gamehelpwerewolves
- Gamehelpwhist22
- Gamehelpwhisttwentytwo
- Gamehelpxanadu
- Gamehelpxcix
- Gamehelpxiangqi
- Gamehelpyatzy
- Gamehelpyokohama
- Gamehelpyspahan
- Getting started
- Grade
- Help
- How to join BGA developer team?
- Latest incidents
- Logos
- Main game logic:
- Moderation and grades
- Moderationpolicy
- Multipleaccounts
- New Characters in "The Village Expansion"
- Players actions: yourgamename.action.php
- Players actions (yourgamename.action.php)
- Post-release phase
- Practical debugging
- Pre-release checklist
- Privacy
- Rating
- Referral
- Reputation
- SandboxScripts
- SantoriniGuide
- SantoriniPowerApollo
- SantoriniPowerArtemis
- SantoriniPowerAthena
- SantoriniPowerAtlas
- SantoriniPowerDemeter
- SantoriniPowerHephaestus
- SantoriniPowerHermes
- SantoriniPowerMinotaur
- SantoriniPowerPan
- SantoriniPowerPrometheus
- Scrollmap
- ServiceOutage