This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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(Не паказана 114 прамежкавых версій 26 удзельнікаў)
Радок 1: Радок 1:
An issue? A question?
An issue? A question?

* [[Faq|Frequently asked questions]] is the most complete source of help for BGA.
* [!faq Frequently asked questions] is the most complete source of help for BGA.

* [ Forums] are also helpful to get information.
* [ Forums] are also helpful to get information.

== Help contents ==
* [[Faq|Frequently asked questions]]
* [[About Board Game Arena|About Board Game Arena]]
** [[About us|About us]]
** [[Club Board Game Arena|Club Board Game Arena]]
** [[Contact us|Contact us]]
=== Detailed help ===
* [[Getting started|Getting started]]
* [[Browser support|Browser support]]
* [[Moderation and grades|Moderation and grades]]
* [[Game clock|Game clock]]
* [[Rating|Rating]]
* [[Reputation|Reputation]]
* [[Translation guidelines|Translation guidelines]]

== Games ==
== Games ==
Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this will direct you to a page creation page.
Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this will direct you to a page creation page.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="0">
  <td colspan="5">'''Available on BGA'''</td>
  <td>'''Beta Games'''</td>
  <td>'''Alpha Games'''<td>
  <td>'''Removed from BGA'''</td>
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
'''Available on BGA'''
* [[Gamehelpsechsnimmt|6 Nimmt!]]
* [[Gamehelpsechsnimmt|6 Nimmt!]]
* [[Gamehelpsevenwonders|7 Wonders]]
* [[Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge|8 Master's Revenge]]
* [[Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge|8 Master's Revenge]]
* [[Gamehelpamyitis|Amyitis]]
* [[Gamehelpamyitis|Amyitis]]
* [[Gamehelpapocalypseazcc|Apocalypse at the Zoo of Carson City]]
* [[Gamehelparmadora|Armadöra]]
* [[Gamehelparmadora|Armadöra]]
* [[Gamehelpassyria|Assyria]]
* [[Gamehelpalveole|Alveole]]
* [[Gamehelpbackgammon|Backgammon]]
* [[Gamehelpbackgammon|Backgammon]]
* [[Gamehelpbarbu|Barbu]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleoflits|Battle of LITS]]
* [[Gamehelpbattlesheep|Battle Sheep]]
* [[Gamehelpbattlesheep|Battle Sheep]]
* [[Gamehelpcantstop|Can't Stop]]  
* [[Gamehelpbattleship|Battleship]]
* [[Gamehelpbelote|Belote]]
* [[Gamehelpblooms|Blooms]]
* [[Gamehelpbobail|Bobail]]
* [[Gamehelpbombay|Bombay]]
* [[Gamehelpbriscola|Briscola]]
* [[Gamehelpbubbleepop|Bubblee Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpbuttons|Buttons]]
* [[Gamehelpcantstop|Can't Stop]]
* [[Gamehelpcarcassonne|Carcassonne]]
* [[Gamehelpcaribbeanallfours|Caribbean All Fours]]
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
* [[Gamehelpcelestia|Celestia]]
* [[Gamehelpcheckers|Checkers]]
* [[Gamehelpcheckers|Checkers]]
* [[Gamehelpchess|Chess]]
* [[Gamehelpchess|Chess]]
* [[Gamehelpchinagold|China Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpchinagold|China Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpcinco|Cinco]]
* [[Gamehelpcinco|Cinco]]
* [[Gamehelpcircleoflife|Circle of Life]]
* [[Gamehelpclansofcaledonia|Clans of Caledonia]]
* [[Gamehelpcoinche|Coinche]]
* [[Gamehelpcolorpop|Color Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpcolorpop|Color Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpcoloretto|Coloretto]]
* [[Gamehelpcoloretto|Coloretto]]
* [[Gamehelpcoltexpress|Colt Express]]
* [[Gamehelpconnectfour|Connect Four]]
* [[Gamehelpcoupcitystate|Coup]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyfarmers|Crazy Farmers]]
* [[Gamehelpdarkagent|Dark Agent]]
* [[Gamehelpdiams|Diam's]]
* [[Gamehelpdiams|Diam's]]
* [[Gamehelpdiceforge|Dice Forge]]
* [[Gamehelpdjambi|Djambi]]
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpdownforce|Downforce]]
* [[Gamehelpdragoncastle|Dragon Castle]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonline|Dragon Line]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonkeeper|Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonheart|Dragonheart]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonheart|Dragonheart]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeontwister|Dungeon Twister]]
* [[Gamehelpelfenland|Elfenland]]
* [[Gamehelpelfenland|Elfenland]]
* [[Gamehelpeminentdomain|Eminent Domain]]
* [[Gamehelpakeruption|Eruption]]
* [[Gamehelpevo|Evo: The "Game no Name"]]
* [[Gamehelpnorthwestpassage|Expedition: Northwest Passage]]
* [[Gamehelpnorthwestpassage|Expedition: Northwest Passage]]
* [[Gamehelpfinity|Finity]]
* [[Gamehelpflorenzacardgame|Florenza: The Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpflorenzacardgame|Florenza: The Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpforsale|For Sale]]
* [[Gamehelpfourcolorcards|Four Color Cards]]
* [[Gamehelpfrenchtarot|French Tarot]]
* [[Gamehelpgaia|Gaia]]
* [[Gamehelpgearnpiston|Gear & Piston]]
* [[Gamehelpgearnpiston|Gear & Piston]]
* [[Gamehelpgo|Go]]
* [[Gamehelpgomoku|Gomoku]]
* [[Gamehelpgomoku|Gomoku]]
* [[Gamehelpgorami|GORami]]
* [[Gamehelpgosu|Gosu]]
* [[Gamehelpgosu|Gosu]]
* [[Gamehelpguildes|Guildes]]
* [[Gamehelpgyges|Gygès]]
* [[Gamehelpgyges|Gygès]]
* [[Gamehelphacktrick|Hack Trick]]
* [[Gamehelphaggis|Haggis]]
* [[Gamehelphaggis|Haggis]]
* [[Gamehelphawaii|Hawaii]]
* [[Gamehelphawaii|Hawaii]]
Радок 64: Радок 92:
* [[Gamehelphex|Hex]]
* [[Gamehelphex|Hex]]
* [[Gamehelphive|Hive]]
* [[Gamehelphive|Hive]]
* [[Gamehelphypnosia|Hypnosia]]
* [[Gamehelpicecoldicehockey|Ice Cold Ice Hockey]]
* [[Gamehelpincangold|Incan Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpintheyearofthedragon|In the Year of the Dragon]]
* [[Gamehelpintheyearofthedragon|In the Year of the Dragon]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpinjawara|Injawara]]
* [[Gamehelpinjawara|Injawara]]
* [[Gamehelpinnovation|Innovation]]
* [[Gamehelpissac|Isaac]]
* [[Gamehelpjaipur|Jaipur]]
* [[Gamehelpjaipur|Jaipur]]
* [[Gamehelpjumpgate|Jump Gate]]
* [[Gamehelpk2|K2]]
* [[Gamehelpk2|K2]]
* [[Gamehelpkabaleo|Kabaleo]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpkahuna|Kahuna]]
* [[Gamehelpkahuna|Kahuna]]
* [[Gamehelpkalah|Kalah]]
* [[Gamehelpkalah|Kalah]]
* [[Gamehelpkeyflower|Keyflower]]
* [[Gamehelpkhronos|Khronos]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdombuilder|Kingdom Builder]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdomino|Kingdomino]]
* [[Gamehelpkoikoi|Koi-koi]]
* [[Gamehelpkrosmasterarena|Krosmaster Arena]]
* [[Gamehelpkoryo|Koryŏ]]
* [[Gamehelpkoryo|Koryŏ]]
* [[Gamehelpkqj|KQJ]]
* [[Gamehelplagranja|La Granja]]
* [[Gamehelpledernierpeuple|Le Dernier Peuple]]
* [[Gamehelplegendaryinventors|Legendary Inventors]]
* [[Gamehelplewisandclark|Lewis and Clark]]
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelplinesofaction|Lines of Action]]
* [[Gamehelplogger|Logger]]
* [[Gamehelplordsofxidit|Lords of Xidit]]
* [[Gamehelplostcities|Lost Cities]]
* [[Gamehelploveletter|Love Letter]]
* [[Gamehelpluckynumbers|Lucky Numbers]]
* [[Gamehelpmachiavelli|Machiavelli]]
* [[Gamehelpmachiavelli|Machiavelli]]
* [[Gamehelpmammalath|Mammalath]]
* [[Gamehelpmarram|Marram]]
* [[Gamehelpmetromania|Metromania]]
* [[Gamehelpmadeira|Madeira]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niagara]]
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niagara]]
* [[Gamehelpnile|Nile]]
* [[Gamehelpninemensmorris|Nine Men's Morris]]
* [[Gamehelpnippon|Nippon]]
* [[Gamehelpnoirkvi|Noir: Killer versus Inspector]]
* [[Gamehelpnotalone|Not Alone]]
* [[Gamehelpnxs|NXS]]
* [[Gamehelpohhell|Oh Hell!]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelpoutlaws|Outlaws:Last Man Standing]]
* [[Gamehelppalace|Palace]]
* [[Gamehelppapayoo|Papayoo]]
* [[Gamehelppennypress|Penny Press]]
* [[Gamehelpdudo|Perudo]]
* [[Gamehelpdudo|Perudo]]
* [[Gamehelppolis|Polis: Fight for the Hegemony]]
* [[Gamehelppi|P.I.]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelppolis|Polis:Fight for Hegemony]]
* [[Gamehelpponte|Ponte del Diavolo]]
* [[Gamehelppotionexplosion|Potion Explosion]]
* [[Gamehelppresident|President]]
* [[Gamehelppuertorico|Puerto Rico]]
* [[Gamehelppuertorico|Puerto Rico]]
* [[Gamehelppylos|Pylos]]
* [[Gamehelppylos|Pylos]]
* [[Gamehelpquarto|Quarto]]
* [[Gamehelpquarto|Quarto]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpquantum|Quantum]]
* [[Gamehelpquantum|Quantum]]
* [[Gamehelpquoridor|Quoridor]]
* [[Gamehelpquoridor|Quoridor]]
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelprallymangt|Rallyman: GT]]
* [[Gamehelpredseven|Red 7]]
* [[Gamehelprememberwhen|Remember When]]
* [[Gamehelpreversi|Reversi]]
* [[Gamehelpreversi|Reversi]]
* [[Gamehelprollforthegalaxy|Roll for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelprussianrailroads|Russian Railroads]]
* [[Gamehelpsaboteur|Saboteur]]
* [[Gamehelpsaboteur|Saboteur]]
* [[Gamehelpsaintpoker|Saint Poker]]
* [[Gamehelpsantorini|Santorini]]
* [[Gamehelpsapiens|Sapiens]]
* [[Gamehelpseasons|Seasons]]
* [[Gamehelpseasons|Seasons]]
* [[Gamehelpsecretmoon|Secret Moon]]
* [[Gamehelpsenet|Senet]]
* [[Gamehelpsenet|Senet]]
* [[Gamehelpsiam|Siam]]
* [[Gamehelpsignorie|Signorie]]
* [[Gamehelpskat|Skat]]
* [[Gamehelpsobek|Sobek]]
* [[Gamehelpsobek|Sobek]]
* [[Gamehelpsolo|Solo]]
* [[Gamehelpsoluna|Soluna]]
* [[Gamehelpspyrium|Spyrium]]
* [[Gamehelpspyrium|Spyrium]]
* [[Gamehelpstirfryeighteen|Stir Fry Eighteen]]
* [[Gamehelpstoneage|Stone Age]]
* [[Gamehelpstoneage|Stone Age]]
* [[Gamehelpsushigo|Sushi Go]]
* [[Gamehelptabult|Tabult]]
* [[Gamehelptakaraisland|Takara Island]]
* [[Gamehelptakenoko|Takenoko]]
* [[Gamehelptakenoko|Takenoko]]
* [[Gamehelptaluva|Taluva]]
* [[Gamehelptargi|Targi]]
* [[Gamehelptargi|Targi]]
* [[Gamehelptashkalar|Tash-Kalar]]
* [[Gamehelptashkalar|Tash-Kalar]]
* [[Gamehelpteatime|Tea Time]]
* [[Gamehelpteotihuacan|Teotihuacan: City of Gods]]
* [[Gamehelpterramystica|Terra Mystica]]
* [[Gamehelpbattleforhill|The Battle for Hill 218]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelptheboss|The Boss]]
* [[Gamehelptheboss|The Boss]]
* [[Gamehelpthebuilders|The Builders:Antiquity]]
* [[Gamehelpthebuilders|The Builders:Middle Ages]]
* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpthekingsguild|The King's Guild]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpcarrara|The Palaces of Carrara]]
* [[Gamehelpcarrara|The Palaces of Carrara]]
* [[Gamehelptheruhr|The Ruhr:A Story of Coal Trade]]
* [[Gamehelpmarcopolo|The Voyages of Marco Polo]]
* [[Gamehelpwerewolves|The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow]]
* [[Gamehelpthermopyles|Thermopyles]]
* [[Gamehelpthermopyles|Thermopyles]]
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheages|Through the Ages]]
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheages|Through the Ages]]
* [[Gamehelptiki|Tiki]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptobago|Tobago]]
* [[Gamehelptabago|Tobago]]
* [[Gamehelptock|Tock]]
* [[Gamehelptoeshambo|Toe Sham Bo]]
* [[Gamehelptokaido|Tokaido]]
* [[Gamehelptokaido|Tokaido]]
* [[Gamehelptournay|Tournay]]
* [[Gamehelptournay|Tournay]]
Радок 124: Радок 218:
* [[Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype|Uncle Chesnut's Table Gype]]
* [[Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype|Uncle Chesnut's Table Gype]]
* [[Gamehelpunitedsquare|United Square]]
* [[Gamehelpunitedsquare|United Square]]
* [[Gamehelpveggiegarden|Veggie Garden]]
* [[Gamehelpveletas|Veletas]]
* [[Gamehelpwhisttwentytwo|Whist 22]]
* [[Gamehelpxiangqi|Xiangqi]]
* [[Gamehelpyatzy|Yahtzee]]
* [[Gamehelpyatzy|Yahtzee]]
* [[Gamehelpyokohama|Yokohama]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpbigtimesoccer|Big Time Soccer]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangaustralia|Boomerang: Australia]]
* [[Gamehelpbutterfly|Butterfly]]
* [[Gamehelpcacao|Cacao]]
* [[Gamehelpcharka|Charka]]
* [[Gamehelpcitybigshoulders|City of the Big Shoulders]]
* [[Gamehelpconsonar|Con Sonar!]]
* [[Gamehelpconnect6|Connect 6]]
* [[Gamehelpdungeonroll|Dungeon Roll]]
* [[Gamehelpflamingpyramids|Flaming Pyramids]]
* [[Gamehelphungariantarokk|Hungarian Tarokk]]
* [[Gamehelpkami|Kami]]
* [[Gamehelpmarcopolotwo|Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan]]
* [[Gamehelpninetynine|Ninety-Nine (Trick-taking)]]
* [[Gamehelpofftherails|Off the Rails]]
* [[Gamehelpohseven|Oh-Seven]]
* [[Gamehelppresident|President]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelpsaintpeterburg|Saint Petersburg]]
* [[Gamehelpsmallislands|Small Islands]]
* [[Gamehelptrekkingtheworld|Trekking the World]]
* [[Gamehelpturnthetide|Turn the Tide]]
* [[Gamehelpxanadu|Xanadu]]
* [[Gamehelpyspahan|Yspahan]]
  <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpfistfulofgold|A Fistful of Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpbandido|Bandido]]
* [[Gamehelpcribbage|Cribbage]]
* [[Gamehelpfleet|Fleet]]
* [[Gamehelpklaverjassen|Klaverjassen]]
* [[Gamehelpmarrakech|Marrakech]]
* [[Gamehelpmartiandice|Martian Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpmrjack|Mr Jack]]
* [[Gamehelpninetynineaddition|Ninety-Nine (Addition)]]
* [[Gamehelppedro|Pedro]]
* [[Gamehelppiratenkapern|Piraten Kapern]]
* [[Gamehelppinochle|Pinochle]]
* [[Gamehelpspades|Spades]]
* [[Gamehelpyokai|Yokai]]
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
'''Removed from BGA'''
* [[Gamehelpdominion|Dominion]]
* [[Gamehelpdominion|Dominion]]

Актуальная версія на 22:01, 12 кастрычніка 2020

An issue? A question?

  • Forums are also helpful to get information.


Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this will direct you to a page creation page.

Available on BGA Beta Games Alpha Games Removed from BGA