This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Уклад удзельніка Matthijs Kooijman
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21 верасня 2020
- 09:2309:23, 21 верасня 2020 розн. гіст. +81 Tools and tips of BGA Studio →Version Control: Link to BGA_Code_Sharing page
- 09:2209:22, 21 верасня 2020 розн. гіст. +211 BGA Code Sharing →Projects hosted not in studio: Link to tools & tips version control section and to github tag page
- 09:1609:16, 21 верасня 2020 розн. гіст. +412 Tools and tips of BGA Studio →Version Control: Recommend adding a github tag, link to auto-deploy-from-github instructions and improve wording