This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Minimum System Requirements

This 3D game requires a "modern" web browser (2017 or newer, specifically Google Chrome 61+, Firefox 60+, or Safari 11+) and a graphics card that supports WebGL. In most cases, the game will detect incompatible hardware and display an error message at the start of the game. If you meet these minimum requirements and cannot load the game, please use the bug reporting system to vote/file a report. If another player at your table cannot load the game, please collectively agree to abandon without penalty.

How To Play

To setup the game, players each choose a power card and place 2 workers in their color on the board. On your turn, select one of your workers and perform both actions in order:

  • Move this worker to an unoccupied neighboring space. You may move in any of the 8 directions as long as you do not move up more than 1 level.
    • Win condition: If this worker moves up to level 3, you win!
    • Loss condition: If none of your workers can move, you lose.
  • Build a block (ground level, level 1, level 2) or dome (level 3) on an unoccupied space neighboring this worker's new location. You may build on any level.
    • Loss condition: If this worker cannot build, you lose.

Power Cards

Power cards change the basic rules of the game. God Powers provide a powerful ongoing ability while Hero Powers provide a once-per-game ability. For your first games, we recommend playing with the 10 Simple Gods, then move on to All Gods once you've gotten the hang of the game.

During setup, each player chooses a power card from an offer of 2, 3, or 4 cards (depending on player count).

  • Quick Setup: The system builds the offer.
  • Tournament Setup: The first player builds the offer, selecting from a limited set of 6, 8, or 10 random cards.
  • Custom Setup: The first player builds the offer, selected from all 50+ available cards.

Veteran players: Setup differs from the physical game. Once the offer is built, the first player chooses which power card will start the game (follow our suggestion for a balanced game). In turn order, each player selects a power card from those on offer. The first player receives the last remaining power card. Finally, whoever selected the starting power becomes the new first player.

No Powers (2 players)

With 2 players, it is possible to play the game without using power cards at all. We do not recommend this.

Golden Fleece Variant (2 players)

During setup, players do not select individual power cards. Instead, one power card is selected and placed beside the board. After placing workers, the first player places the Ram figure on the board, and the second player takes the first turn. At the start of each turn, any players neighboring the Ram figure receive the power for that turn. Players gain/lose the power throughout the game as they move around the board.

Team Game (4 players)

With 4 players, teams of two players share control of the workers in their color. Each player selects their own power card and cannot use their teammate's power. During setup, the first player on each team places the workers and the second player of each team takes the first turn. Players win or lose the game as a team.


The following terms have special significance:

  • Blocks are the square white pieces of a tower built on ground level, level 1, and level 2.
  • Domes are the round blue pieces of a tower built on level 3. Domes are not blocks.
  • Complete Towers consist of 3 blocks and a dome.
  • Move and Build are the normal turn actions.
  • Force is a special action related to power cards. Note well that force is not the same as move (not a win condition).
  • Unoccupied spaces do not contain workers, domes, the Ram figure (used only in the Golden Fleece variant), or the Talus token (Europa & Talus power).

List of Power Cards

Veteran players: 12 powers differ from the physical game: Adonis, Aeolus, Charybdis, Graeae, Heracles, Jason, Limus, Medea, Nemesis, Proteus

Simple Gods

  • Apollo: Your worker may move into an opponent worker's space by forcing their worker to swap places.
  • Artemis: Your worker may move one additional time, but not back to its initial space. Banned with Persephone.
  • Athena: Opponent's workers cannot move up on their turn if your worker moves up on the previous turn.
  • Atlas: Your worker may build a dome at any level.
  • Demeter: Your worker may build one additional time, but not on the same space.
  • Hephaestus: Your worker may build one additional block on top on your first block.
  • Hermes: Your workers may move any number of times and either builds if they do not move up or down. Banned with Harpies.
  • Minotaur: Your worker may move into an opponent worker's space by forcing their worker one space backwards to an unoccupied space.
  • Pan: You also win when your worker moves down two or more levels. Banned with Hades.
  • Prometheus: You can build both before and after moving if your worker does not move up.

Advanced Gods

  • Aphrodite: If an opponent worker starts its turn neighbouring one of your workers, it must end on a space neighbouring one of your workers. Banned with Urania.
  • Ares: You may remove an unoccupied block neighbouring your unmoved worker with any tokens on it.
  • Bia: You place your workers first on perimeter spaces. If your worker moves into a space with an opponent worker in the next space of the same direction, that worker is removed.
  • Chaos: You have the power of a simple god. The power changes when a dome is built.
  • Charon: You may force an opponent worker to the space on the other unoccupied side of your worker before you move.
  • Chronus: You also win when there are at least 5 completed towers on the board.
  • Circe: If opponent's workers do not neighbour each other, you alone have use of their power until your next turn.
  • Dionysus: You may take an additional turn using opponent workers after you build a dome with your workers, but no one can win by doing so.
  • Eros: Place your workers along opposite edges. You also win when your workers neighbour each other by moving and on the first floor (same floor when 3 players).
  • Hera: An opponent cannot win by moving to a perimeter space.
  • Hestia: Your worker may build one additional time, but not on a perimeter space.
  • Hypnus: If an opponent worker is higher than all of their others, it cannot move. Banned with Terpsichore.
  • Limus: Opponent workers cannot build on a space neighbouring your workers, unless building a dome. Banned with Terpsichore.
  • Medusa: If you build on lower neighbouring spaces that are occupied by opponent workers, that worker is removed.
  • Morpheus: You get a coin at the start of your turn. Your workers can build any number of times by spending the same number of coins.
  • Persephone: Opponent must move up if possible. Banned with Artemis.
  • Poseidon: Your unmoved worker can build up to 3 times if it is on the ground floor.
  • Selene: Your female worker can build a dome at any level regardless of which one moved. It replaces your normal build.
  • Trition: Your worker can move again if it is on a perimeter space. Banned with Harpies.
  • Zeus: Your worker can build a block under itself.

Golden Fleece Gods

  • Europa & Talus: You many relocate the talus token to an unoccupied space neighbouring your moved worker at the end of the turn. The token is treated as a dome for all players.
  • Graeae: Place 3 workers of your colour. You must build with an unmoved worker.
  • Hades: Opponent workers cannot move down. Banned with Pan.
  • Harpies: Opponent workers are forced space by space until the next space is of a higher level or it is occupied. Banned with Hermes or Trition.
  • Terpsichore: All your workers must move, and then all must build. Banned with Hypnus or Limus.
  • Urania: You treat opposite edges and corners as if they are adjacent. Banned with Aphrodite.

Promo Gods

  • Asteria: You may build a dome at any unoccupied space if your worker moves down.
  • Caster & Pollux: You may move all your workers or build with all your workers in replace of a normal turn.
  • Hippolyta: All workers except your female worker may only move diagonally.
  • Iris: If there is a worker neighbouring your worker and the space directly on the other side is unoccupied, you may move to that space regardless of the level.
  • Pegasus: Your worker may move up any levels but you cannot win by this power.
  • Tyche: Shuffle a deck of 1-6 cards. Draw a card at the end of your turn and take an additional turn if the result is 6.


  • Achilles: Once your worker builds both before and after moving.
  • Adonis: Once choose an opponent worker. That worker must be neighbouring one of your workers at the end of their next turn.
  • Atalanta: Once your worker moves any number of additional times.
  • Bellerophon: Once your worker moves up two levels.
  • Heracles: Once instead of your normal build, both of your workers build any number of domes at any level.
  • Jason: Once instead of your normal turn, place an additional worker on an unoccupied ground perimeter space. The worker then builds.
  • Medea: Once remove all blocks from under a worker neighbouring one of your workers with any tokens on it.
  • Odysseus: Once force any number of neighbouring opponent workers to unoccupied corner spaces.
  • Polyphemus: Once your workers build up to 2 domes at any unoccupied spaces.
  • Theseus: Once you remove an opponent worker if any of your workers is neighbouring it on a space 2 levels lower.


How do I adjust the view of the 3D scene?

  • Click and drag to rotate. Scroll the mouse wheel (on mobile: pinch with two fingers) to zoom.

Why can't I move up/down?

  • Your opponent's power may restrict your movement (re: Athens, Aphrodite, Hades, Persephone).

Why didn't I just win?

  • You did not move up to level 3. Being forced to a space (re: Apollo, Charon, Harpies, Minotaur, Odysseus), moving from level 3 to level 3, building under yourself (re: Zeus), or placing a new worker (re: Jason) do not count.
  • Your power may restrict your win conditions (re: Dionsyus, Hera, Pegasus).

As Apollo or Minotaur, why can't I swap/push an opponent worker?

  • You must move into the opponent's space, which means you must follow the normal movement rules (can only move up 1).