This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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The game

Select all adjacent (diagonal doesn't count) tokens of the same color in order to pop them. You must pop at least two tokens (singles can't be popped) per turn. The goal is to have none of your secret color tokens remaining on the board. If this happens you win instantly. Otherwise the player with the least remaining of their color on the board wins. Ties go to the player who popped the fewest tokens of their own secret color. It is important to note having popped the most of your own color is not a winning condition.

The game ends when there are no longer any tokens that can be popped.


White tokens can be used as any color.


Two secret colors: this variant allows you to play Color Pop with two secret colors, which will have you thinking very often on which color you are gonna favor this turn! This variant is only available for two player games.

NB : you can also play against the computer and try to win solo challenges on the website hosted by the game publisher, Gigamic.

Game preferences

The colorblind option available for this game enables an alternative setup displaying symbols on the tokens using the great color code designed by Miguel Neiva: ColorADD.

Learning the code is easy, just take a look at the following synthesis panel:


Have a good game!