This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Describing common errors which is hard to understand and debug

Game does not start at all

Undefined offset: 0 in table/ on line 830

You are likely calling self::getActivePlayerName () during setupNewGame()

Unexpected error: Wrong formatted data from BGA gameserver 1 (method: createGame): ...

This is generic message usually followed by exact position in your source code, and usually its syntax error in one of yours php script

Unexpected error: Propagating error from GS 1 (method: createGame): Fatal error during yourgame setup: Not logged

Calling self::getCurrentPlayerId () or using $g_user from 'args' state function, see also below

Fatal error during creation of database ebd_quoridor_389 Not logged

Check that you didn't use $g_user or getCurrentPlayerId() in setupNewGame() function or in an 'args' function of your state.

As these functions are not consequences of a user action, there is no current player defined.

As a general rule, you should use getActivePlayerId() and not getCurrentPlayerId(). See the presentation on the game state machine for more information.

Predefined server errors

Unexpected error: Unexpected final game state (XX)

The action function does not transition to any state, i.e.

 function selectField($field) {
   self::checkAction ( 'selectField' );
   if ($field!=0) $this->gamestate->nextState ( 'next' );

Here if $field is 0 there is no transition

This game action is impossible right now

Check the game log. Usually your state does not define the action you trying to perform in 'possibeactions' array.

Unexpected error: This transition (playerTurn) is impossible at this state (42)

This is pretty self explanatory. Function nextState() takes transition name not a state name, so you probably did not define this transition that the given state

Game interface hangs during reload or on start

Showing "Application Loading..."

Javascript error: During pageload undefined no_stack_avail Script:

This error usually has no useful data, but it means you called somes API that require a callback and did not define callback function, i.e in dojo.connect, this.connectClass, dojo.subscribe, etc

     this.connectClass('field', 'onclick', 'onField'); // <-- onField is not defined

Other errors with "Application loading..."

You probably have a syntax error in your Javascript code, and the interface refuses to load.

To find this error, check if there is an error message in the Javascript console (F12).

If there is really nothing on the log, it's probably that the system was unable to load your Javascript because of an syntax error that affect the structure of the Javascript file, typically a missing "}" or a missing "," after a method definition.

If you have "Uncaught ReferenceError: bgagame is not defined" you have major syntax error in your js file, you should see some other clues in the log where the errors is.

Unexpected Syntax Error:

No further details in the log. When log is filling with some social connect errors.

Possible Reason: Syntax error in of the php script which is loaded before the start, such as, and such.

Game interface spins in a loop throwing error

Errors is something like "Cannot read property 'is_ai' of undefined". Cannot restart the game because cannot access UI to stop. Likely you get in actplayer state with player id == 0. The only way to fix it is to edit database, globals index == 2 set player id to one of your test dudes (can copy from row 5 for example).

Other Errors

When I do a move, I got "Move recorded, waiting for update ..." forever

"Move recorded" means that your ajaxcall request has been sent to the server and returned normally.

"Waiting for update" means that your client interface is waiting for some notifications from the server that correspond to the move we just did.

If this message stays forever, it is probably that your PHP code does not send any notification when the move happens, which is abnormal. To fix this: add a notifyAllPlayers or a notifyPlayer call in your PHP code.

When I do a move, I get "Sending move to server..." the nothing and game resets to state before the move

Its possible that server code get into infinite loops or thinks too much, in which case it will timeout and will be aborted without any extra logs (and any db transaction you saw in the log won't be committed). You will usually see "Unable to connect to server" message on console in this case. You have to put more logging into server to trace where it hangs.

Some player action is triggered randomly when I click somewhere on the game area

You probably used "dojo.connect" on a null object. In this case, dojo.connect associate the event (ex: "onclick") to the whole game area.

Most of the time it happens in this situation, when my_object element does not exists:

   dojo.connect( $("my_object"), "onclick", this, function() {

To determine if this is the case, place "alert( $("my_object") )" before the dojo.connect to check if the object exists or not.

Javascript does not know how to sum two numbers

Be careful when you manipulate integers returned by notifications: most of the time, Javascript considers they are Strings and not Integers.

As a result:

    var i=1;
    i += notif.args.increment;  // With notif.args.increment='1'
    alert( i );                 // i=11 instead of 2 !! Javascript concatenate 2 strings !

To solve this, you should use the "toint" function:

    var i=1;
    i += toint( notif.args.increment );  // With notif.args.increment='1'
    alert( i );                 // i=2 :)

Javascript: do not use substr with negative numbers

To get the last characters of a string, use "slice" instead of "substr" which has a bug on IE:

    var three_last_characters = string.substr( -3 );   // Wrong
    var three_last_characters = string.slice( -3 );    // Correct

Game "spontaneously" transition to a new state without user input

Make sure on php side you have no code after $this->gamestate->nextState(...) code. Because if you do accidentally have code that goes to another state it will cause another state transition without user interaction.

function selectField($field) {
  self::checkAction ( 'selectField' );
  if ($field!=0) $this->gamestate->nextState ( 'next' );
  $this->gamestate->nextState ( 'last' ); // <-- here is missing else, so it will cause double state transition

On php side I get a number instead of string I expect

$num = 3;
$meeple = "meeple_" + $num; // <-- suppose to be "meeple_3"!

When you switch between JS and PHP it easy to type this and not notice the +. Plus in php does not mean string concatenation, only in javascript, + means integer arithmetics. So change + to . (dot)