This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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The objective of the game is to use your companions to fight different monsters. The game consists of 3 delves.

Player's Turn

The adventurer roll all 7 party dices to determine his companions.

Monster Phase

  • Roll a number of dungeon dices equals to the level (up to 10) as the monsters.
  • Set aside all dragons: they cannot be rerolled.
  • The adventurer can use a scroll to reroll any number of party dices and dungeon dices.
  • The adventurer uses his companions to fight monsters. After using, they are moved to the graveyard.
  • The adventurer can use his hero's ability (specialty or ultimate ability).
  • If the monsters are defeated, proceed to the loot phase. Otherwise, the adventurer flees and gain no experience.

Loot Phase

  • A thief or a champion can be used to open any number of chests. Other companions can only open a chest.
  • The adventurer gets a treasure for each opened chest. If there are no treasures left, use an experience as a replacement.
  • Any party dice can be used to quaff any number of potions. A potion can revive a companion with its face choosed by the adventurer.

Dragon Phase

  • If there are 3 or more dragons in the lair, the dragon arrives.
  • A dragon needs 3 different types of companions to be defeated.
  • If the dragon is not defeated, the adventurer flees and gain no experience.
  • If the dragon is defeated, the adventurer gains a treasure and 1 experience.

Regroup Phase

  • The adventurer can choose between retire and seek glory.
  • If the adventurer chooses to retires, he collects the number of experiences as the level. The delve is over.
  • If the adventurer chooses to seek glory, he moves on to the next level with all his remaining active dices. The number of dungeon dices also increases by 1.
  • If the level dice is at 10, the adventurer has cleared the dungeon and must retire.


  • A fighter can defeat a skeleton, an ooze or any number of goblins.
  • A fighter can defeat a goblin, an ooze or any number of skeletons.
  • A mage can defeat a goblin, a skeleton or any number of oozes.
  • A thief can defeat a monster or used to open any number of chests.
  • A champion can defeat any number of a type of monsters or open any number of chests.


They are collected by opening chests and defeating dragons. Each treasure token can be used only once. Unused tokens are worth 1 experience each unless specified.

  • Vorpal Sword: Use as a fighter.
  • Talisman: Use as a cleric.
  • Scepter of Power: Use as a mage.
  • Thieves' Tools: Use as a thief.
  • Scroll: Use as a scroll.
  • Ring of Invisibility: Return all dungeon dices to the active supply, but do not collect any treasures.
  • Dragon Scales: Each pair is worth 2 additional experience tokens.
  • Potion: Use as a potion.
  • Dragon Bait: Transform all monsters to dragon faces, and move them to the dragon's lair.
  • Town Portal: Use when unable to defeat monsters or dragons to collect experiences equal to the level. If unused is worth 2 points instead of 1.

Hero Powers

Heros are avatars that represents adventurers. All heros begin the game on its novice side, and is flipped to the master side when enough experience is gained. Each hero has a specialty (Use as many times as you like) and ultimate ability (Use once per delve).


This is used when playing with solo mode. Play three rounds with the normal rules and go for the best score.

Points Title
0-15 Dragon fodder
16-23 Village Hero
24-29 Seasoned Explorer
30-34 Champion
35+ Hero of Ages