This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Minimum System Requirements

This game requires a computer or mobile device with a modern web browser. It may work with certain browsers as old as 2017, but definitely nothing earlier than Google Chrome 61, Firefox 60, or Safari 11. Additionally, both your browser and graphics card must support WebGL.

If other players are using outdated software, please kindly agree to abandon the game without penalty.

Power Cards

Playing with power cards is optional for 2 players, but required for 3 and 4 players. Power cards change the rules of the game, affecting setup, movement, building, or win condition. God Powers provide a powerful ongoing ability while Hero Powers provide a once-per-game ability. For your first games, we recommend playing with the 10 Simple God Powers.

Read the Glossary section below for the meaning of specific terms used on the power cards.

Veteran players: As compared with the physical game, 12 powers have revised rules. These are clearly marked with [REVISED POWER] in the description: Adonis, Aeolus, Bia, Charybdis, Graeae, Heracles, Jason, Limus, Medea, Nemesis, Proteus, Siren


Build offer

If you are playing with power cards, the first player or the system puts together an offer of power cards (total of 2, 3, or 4 cards, depending on player count).

  • Quick Setup: The system builds a random offer.
  • Tournament Setup: The first player builds an offer, selecting from a limited set randomly chosen by the system (from 6, 8, or 10 cards, depending on player count).
  • Custom Setup: The first player builds an offer, selected from all available powers.

Select starting power

Veteran players: As compared with the physical game, this step is new. The first player chooses which power card will start the game. We recommend using the suggested power for a balanced game.

Select powers

In turn order, each player selects 1 power card from those on offer. The first player receives the last remaining power card. The player who took the starting power becomes the new first player.

Place workers

  • With 2 or 3 players: In the new turn order, each player places 2 workers on the board.
  • With 4 players (team game): In the new turn order, the first player on each team places 2 workers on the board. (The second player of each team will take the first turn.)

On Your Turn

Select one of your workers and perform both steps in order:

Move this worker to an unoccupied neighboring space. You may move in any of the 8 directions, as long as you do not move up more than 1 level. If this worker moves up to level 3, you win! If none of your workers can move, you lose.

Build a block (ground level, level 1, level 2) or dome (level 3) on an unoccupied space neighboring this worker's new location. You may build on any level. If this worker cannot build, you lose.

Golden Fleece Variant

This is a variant for 2 players. During setup, players select one power card and place it beside the board. After placing workers, the first player places the Ram figure on the board, and the second player begins the game.

At the start of each turn, any players neighboring the Ram figure receive the power for that turn. This means players can gain/lose the power throughout the game as they move around the board.


  • Blocks are the square white pieces of a tower built on ground level, level 1, and level 2.
  • Domes are the round blue pieces of a tower built on level 3. Domes are not blocks.
  • Complete Towers consists of 3 blocks and a dome.
  • Forced is not moved. For example, you do not win the game if the Minotaur forces your worker up to a level 3 space.
  • Unoccupied spaces do not contain workers, domes, or the Ram figure (used only in the Golden Fleece variant).


# Question Answer
1. How do I adjust the view of the 3D scene?
  • Click and drag to rotate.
  • Scroll the mouse wheel (on mobile: pinch with two fingers) to zoom.
2. Why can't I move up/down?
  • Opponent is Athena: Sometimes you cannot move up.
  • Opponent is Hades: You can never move down.
  • Opponent is Persephone: You must move up if possible.
3. Why didn't I just win? You must move up to level 3 to win, so you probably didn't move.
  • Apollo, Charon, Minotaur, Odysseus: Being forced to a new space does not count as a move
  • Zeus: Building under yourself does not count as a move
4. As Apollo, why can't I swap positions with an opponent? You must move into the opponent's space, which means you must follow the normal movement rules (can only move up 1).