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Tips santorini

З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
Версія ад 07:40, 17 ліпеня 2020, аўтар ArielFriedrichGauss (размовы | уклад) (→‎Introduction)
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This is no single strategy for Santorini which is the beauty of the game. Each god has his/her own strengths and weaknesses depend on the stage of the game and more importantly, your opponents' gods.

Basic strategy

  • Don’t Fall!

The biggest advice I can give is to not let yourself be in a position where you have to jump down. If you lose height in this game it can be extremely difficult to get it back. Your opponent will try to keep you pinned down, and you can only build after moving. Dropping levels in this game is a quick way to give away an advantage to your opponent and likely lose the match.