This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Select power cards (if using, optional variant)

  1. With "Random" assignment, Board Game Arena automatically assigns a power to each player.
  2. With "Fair Division" assignment, the first player selects the power cards to offer to the other players. In turn order, the other players select a power. The first player receives the remaining power card and chooses the first player.

Place workers

  1. With 2 or 3 players: In turn order, place 2 workers on the board.
  2. With 4 players: Play in teams sharing control of 2 workers. In turn order, the first player on each team places 2 workers. The second player of each team takes the first turn.

On Your Turn

Select one of your workers and perform both steps in order:

Move this worker to an unoccupied neighboring space. You may move in any of the 8 directions, as long as you do not move up more than 1 level. If this worker moves up to level 3, you win! If none of your workers can move, you lose.

Build a block (ground level, level 1, level 2) or dome (level 3) on an unoccupied space neighboring this worker's new location. You may build on any level. If this worker cannot build, you lose.

Power Cards

Power cards change the rules of the game, affecting setup, movement, building, or winning.

  • God Powers provide a powerful ongoing ability.
  • Hero Powers provide a once-per-game ability.

If a power "forces" an opponent's worker into another space this does not count as a move. For example, a power that forces your worker to a level 3 space does not cause you to win the game.

Differences from the physical game

The following powers have been revised by the designer, so the Board Game Arena implementation may differ from your previous experience with the physical copy of Santorini:

Bia: Setup: Place your workers first. Your workers must be placed in perimeter spaces. (added) source

Limus: Opponent's Turn: Opponent Workers cannot build on spaces neighboring your Workers, unless building a dome. (removed "to create a Complete Tower") source


  • Blocks are the square white pieces of a tower built on ground level, level 1, and level 2.
  • Domes are the round blue pieces of a tower built on level 3. Domes are not blocks.
  • Complete Towers consists of 3 blocks and a dome.
  • Unoccupied spaces do not contain workers or domes.