This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Stock Phase

Pay with Personal Treasury

On your turn you may:

  1. Sell any number of Certificates in one or more companies at their Stock value. Move sold Certificate(s) from your Personal Treasury to the Bank Pool and receive $ from the Bank to your Personal Treasury. Then, for each share sold, decrease the Stock Value by one. If you sell company's Certificate this Decade, you cannot later buy a Certificate of the same company in the same Decade.
  2. May buy one Stock certificate. Pay $ from your Personal Treasury. You may start a company during this phase, except during the first round, as it counts as buying the 30% Director's certificate.
    1. Certificate from a Company Treasury - Pay $ to its Company Treasury.
    2. Certificate from the Bank Pool - Pay $ to the Bank.

Start a Company

  1. Gain the Company Charter
  2. Choose the initial Stock value ($35, $40, $50, or $60)
  3. Pay for the Director's certificate for 3 X Stock Value. Pay to the Company Treasury.
  4. Place remaining company Certificates in the Company Treasury
  5. Place marker on the initial Appeal on the Appeal Track. Do not gain Appeal Bonuses for initial Appeal.

End of Phase

  1. Give priority Deal marker to the player to the left of the player who last sold or bought a Certificate this phase.
  2. If a company is completely owned by players (no Certificates are in the Company Treasury or Bank Pool), increase its Stock Value by one.

Building Phase

Turn Order: Simultaneous

  1. Deal 2 new buildings to each each so that they have 3 in hand
  2. Each player chooses one to play on the leftmost space on their building track
  3. Each player chooses one to discard out of the game
  4. Each player keeps one for the next round
  5. Buildings area revealed simultaneously
  6. Refill the job market based on the newly revealed buildings

Note: Each player gains a Partner during the 3rd round of the game