This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Tips notalone

З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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(hi, would like someone for correct my fault, ty :D)

Summary :

1) always have at least 3 possibility to go, and try to have at least 4. Else, since there is some token who limit two adjacent place, you can be stuck easily. And even without these token, he can generally block two third of your possibility. You can say 'Yes, but I can take back all my card if I goes to 1'. Yes that's true, and this have more value when you increase the number of players. But it suggest the others players will play on consequence, which I think will not be the case (or not enough)(see variance more down for more informations).

2) check if someone else have only 2 or 3 place left : if yes, the creature have a lot of chance to goes on his places, so others place are more free.

3) manage your 1 : you should generally only goes for 1 if you have 3 will left and 4/5 cards (for keeping 3/4 card with 1 will if the creature play his main token), or if you have 1 will left. If you want to go for it on others case, it's an all in move. You should check before if someone else (or 2 players with many players) can goes there instead of you with less risk. And if it's usefull. And then decide : if yes, you should let them go there if they want, and if not, you have the possibility to all-in. Doesn't mean you should goes for it, but it's a possibility.