This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Перайсці да навігацыі
Перайсці да пошуку
This is reference for public and protected method defined in Table and its ancestors, this information obtained by using php reflection.
Most of these methods documented on various other wikis, this is just refeference for completeness and in case you run into accidental overloading of undocumented functions...
// Its a long list pless help with editing this wiki
If you need these method for IDE autocompletion and validation there is unofficial project that has stubs to documented methods:
Class hierarchy
- APP_Object
- APP_DbObject
- APP_GameClass
- Table
- Deck
- APP_GameClass
- APP_DbObject
Methods in the Table class
- Table.getGameName
- part of template, return game name, not to be modified by developer, not document on wiki
- Table._
- translation wrapper function, see Translations
- Table.setTable
- undocumented
- Table.initTable
- undocumented
- Table.getAllTableDatas
- undocumented
- Table.getAllDatas
- part of template, override, see Main game logic:
- Table.setupNewGameTable
- undocumented
- Table.setupNewGame
- part of template, override, see Main game logic:
- Table.getTableOptionsForGame
- undocumented
- Table.getTableOptions
- undocumented, likely return gameoptions (i.e. variants of the games)
- Table.getTablePreferencesForGame
- undocumented
- Table.getTablePreferences
- undocumented, likely return UI preferences (i.e. display tooltips or not)
- Table.getGameInfosForGame
- undocuments, likely return $gameinfos from
- Table.getGameOptionsInfos
- undocumented
- Table.start
- undocumented, likely starts the game, do not call
- Table.loadPlayersBasicInfos
- very usefull function get players table, see Main game logic:
- Table.reloadPlayersBasicInfos
- reload players info, see Main game logic:
- Table.reattributeColorsBasedOnPreferences
- change players colors, see Main game logic:
- Table.getBestColorFromColorPrefs
- undocumented
- Table.initSetupPlayersInfos
- undocumented
- Table.getPlayersNumber
- returns number of players, see Main game logic:
- Table.checkAction
- check action on server, see Main game logic:
- Table.checkGameStart
- Table.color_to_color_back
- @deprecated, undocumented
- Table.initGameStateLabels
- Table.setGameStateInitialValue
- Set initial state of global, technically same as setGameStateValue see
- Table.getGameStateValue
- get value of global see
- Table.setGameStateValue
- set value of global see
- Table.incGameStateValue
- increment value of global see
- Table.is_testmode
- @deprecated
- Table.testmodedatas
- @deprecated
- Table.applyTestModeDbFixture
- Table.getActivePlayerId
- get active player id, see
- Table.getActivePlayerName
- get active player name, see
- Table.getCurrentPlayerId
- get current player id, see
- Table.getCurrentPlayerName
- get currrent player name, see
- Table.getCurrentPlayerColor
- get current player color, see
- Table.isCurrentPlayerZombie
- Table.getPlayerCount
- @deprecated, use getPlayersNumber,
- Table.createNextPlayerTable
- Table.getNextPlayerTable
- Table.createPrevPlayerTable
- Table.getPrevPlayerTable
- Table.getPlayerAfter
- Table.getPlayerBefore
- Table.activeNextPlayer
- Table.activePrevPlayer
- Table.forceEndOfGame
- Table.giveExtraTime
- Table.checkZombieTurn
- Table.skipPlayersOutOfTime
- Table.onPlayerHasBeenZombified
- Table.forceAbandon
- Table.zombieBack
- Table.aiPlayer
- Table.aiNotPlaying
- Table.aiError
- Table.say
- Table.getGameProgression
- Table.getStatTypesForGame
- Table.getStatTypes
- Table.stat_type_id_to_name
- Table.initStat
- Table.getStat
- Table.setStat
- Table.setStatForAllPlayers
- Table.incStat
- Table.getStatFromResult
- Table.setStatOnResult
- Table.setStatOnResultForPlayer
- Table.getStandardGameResultObject
- Table.getGameRankInfos
- Table.argGameEnd
- Table.stGameEnd
- Table.stTutorialStart
- Table.isSoloGame
- Table.notifyAllPlayers
- Table.notifyPlayer
- Table.onEndAjaxAction
- Table.checkReturnState
- Table.sendNotifications
- Table.getCurrentNotificationNextNo
- Table.getNotificationHistory
- Table.debugChat
- Table.timeout
- Table.eliminatePlayer
- Table.isAsync
- return true is game is turn based, false if realtime, undocumented (why?)
- Table.getTimeLimits
- Table.getAsyncTimeLimits
- Table.checkAsyncActivePlayersChange
- Table.upgradeTableDb
- Table.getReplayPoints
- Table.saveReplayPoint
- Table.undoAndReplayInit
- Table.removeAutoIncrementFromTable
- Table.getFieldsListOfTable
- Table.undoInit
- Table.undoSavepoint
- Table.doUndoSavePoint
- Table.undoRestorePoint
- Table.showTutorial
- Table.seenTutorial
- Table.activeTutorial
- Table.forceGameTournamendEnd
- Table.showCursor
- APP_GameClass.getNewUnique
- APP_GameClass.getNew
- APP_GameClass.notifyNow
- APP_DbObject.ConnectDb
- APP_DbObject.DbQuery
- APP_DbObject.DbTraceTimeBefore
- APP_DbObject.DbTraceTimeAfter
- APP_DbObject.DbGetLastId
- APP_DbObject.DbDumpQueryHistory
- APP_DbObject.DbAffectedRow
- APP_DbObject.DbStartTransaction
- APP_DbObject.DbCommit
- APP_DbObject.DbRollback
- APP_DbObject.DbRestartTransaction
- APP_DbObject.DbSelect
- APP_DbObject.CommitAllAndRestart
- APP_DbObject.setDeadlockMode
- APP_DbObject.isDeadlockModeRetry
- APP_DbObject.enableMultiQueries
- APP_DbObject.sendMultiQueries
- APP_DbObject.escapeStringForDB
- APP_DbObject.getCollectionFromDB
- APP_DbObject.getNonEmptyCollectionFromDB
- APP_DbObject.getDoubleKeyCollectionFromDB
- APP_DbObject.getUniqueValueFromDB
- APP_DbObject.mysql_fetch_row
- APP_DbObject.mysql_fetch_assoc
- APP_DbObject.mysql_query
- APP_DbObject.getObjectFromDB
- APP_DbObject.getNonEmptyObjectFromDB
- APP_DbObject.getObjectListFromDB
- APP_DbObject.getSelectedDb
- APP_DbObject.sqlParsing
- APP_DbObject.DbUsePrefix
- APP_DbObject.applyPrefix
- APP_DbObject.cache_store
- APP_DbObject.cache_add
- APP_DbObject.cache_exists
- APP_DbObject.cache_fetch
- APP_DbObject.cache_delete
- APP_DbObject.cache_rollback
- APP_DbObject.cache_commit
- APP_DbObject.ensure_enough_time_since_last_action
- APP_DbObject.getMasterNodeDomain
- APP_DbObject.getMasterNodeUrl
- APP_DbObject.masterNodeRequest
- APP_DbObject.gameserverNodeRequest
- APP_DbObject.gameserverNodeRequestNoTable
- APP_DbObject.bgaCallUrl
- APP_Object.debug
- APP_Object.trace
- APP_Object.warn
- APP_Object.error
- APP_Object.dump