This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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The objective of the game is to use your companions to fight different monsters. The game consists of 3 delves.

Player's Turn

The adventurer roll all 7 party dices to determine his companions.

Monster Phase

  • Roll a number of dungeon dices equals to the level (up to 10) as the monsters.
  • Set aside all dragons: they cannot be rerolled.
  • The adventurer can use a scroll to reroll any number of party dices and dungeon dices.
  • The adventurer uses his companions to fight monsters. After using, they are moved to the graveyard.
  • The adventurer can use his hero's ability (specialty or ultimate ability).
  • If the monsters are defeated, proceed to the loot phase. Otherwise, the adventurer flees and gain no experience.

Loot Phase

  • A thief or a champion can be used to open any number of chests. Other companions can only open a chest.
  • The adventurer gets a treasure for each opened chest. If there are no treasures left, use an experience as a replacement.
  • Any party dice can be used to quaff any number of potions. A potion can revive a companion with its face choosed by the adventurer.

Dragon Phase

  • If there are 3 or more dragons in the lair, the dragon arrives.
  • A dragon needs 3 different types of companions to be defeated.
  • If the dragon is not defeated, the adventurer flees and gain no experience.
  • If the dragon is defeated, the adventurer gains a treasure and 1 experience.

Regroup Phase

  • The adventurer can choose between retire and seek glory.
  • If the adventurer chooses to retires, he collects the number of experiences as the level. The delve is over.
  • If the adventurer chooses to seek glory, he moves on to the next level and


  • A fighter can defeat a skeleton, an ooze or any number of goblins.
  • A fighter can defeat a goblin, an ooze or any number of skeletons.
  • A mage can defeat a goblin, a skeleton or any number of oozes.
  • A thief can defeat a monster or used to open any number of chests.
  • A champion can defeat any number of a type of monsters or open any number of chests.


Hero Powers


Points Title
0-15 Dragon fodder
16-23 Village Hero
24-29 Seasoned Explorer
30-34 Champion
35+ Hero of Ages