This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Tips secretmoon

З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
Версія ад 22:35, 10 кастрычніка 2019, аўтар Urzamtg (размовы | уклад)
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Character advice (from the official manual)

The Princess

The most important character in the Princess team. Given the Princess team loses if you are caught, you need to hide better than even the Wanderer, and many will try to find you. However, the only one who technically can capture you is the Minister, so don't despair just because you're found. You can hide to protect yourself, and try to accuse the remaining Guards to buy time.

The Wanderer

The game isn't over even if the Wanderer is captured, so you can act somewhat fearlessly. You know who the Princess is, and the rest of the players are almost all Guards, so you can accuse them and deplete their numbers. However, you do lose if both you and the Princess are found, so if you want to play dauntlessly, you need to hide the Princess well. Why not inspect the Princess, just to fool the others?

The Minister

The most important character in the Minister team. Also, the only one in the Minister team who can accuse without risk, though accusing too much may draw unwanted attention. You might want to start out with a few Inspections. If you're found, hope for the Guards' protection and accuse the others in order to find the Princess and the Wanderer.

The Guard

The Guards are really weak. In spirit. As soon as you are found, you faint and are captured. But you can't go around just being afraid. You are not alone. Use your numbers, and pin down the enemy. Sometimes you will need to sacrifice yourself.

The Priestess

In reality, you're the third member of the Princess team, but if asked, you say the same thing as a Guard. To mask the whereabouts of the Princess, you can start out with hiding the first round to draw false suspicion, or accuse Guards like the Wanderer would. In some ways, the Priestess might be the most interesting character in the game.

More Advice (from a guy who plays this game a lot)

When to Inquire

The Inquire action is useful because it gives public knowledge, but it could make you look suspicious. Multiple inquiries will also benefit the red team more than the blue. One notable exception is after a guard is captured. It's generally safe to inquire someone who captures a guard, unless the priestess is already revealed.

When to Disrupt

The guard's numbers are a valuable resource for the blue team. Don't be afraid to sacrifice yourself to disrupt a red team member if it will help your team win that round. Likewise, the Wanderer and Priestess can quite often decide the match by disrupting the Minister to capture him or to escape.

When to Accuse / Capture

In the opening round, it is important for the red team to capture as many guards as they can safely. Taking down at least two will leave the match even, and the Priestess can accuse guards without fear. If you are a Priestess, accusing guards is almost always the right move. The blue team should avoid blind accusations to preserve their numbers and keep the Minister hidden as long as possible. Capturing the exposed Priestess is a very low value play for the Minister!