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Hypnosia is a strategy game designed for 2 to 6 players. Content:

-1 board

-2 dice

-24 pawns (4 pawns in 6 different colors)

Set up of the game

Each player chooses a color and takes the 4 pawns of the same color, then puts those pawns on the 4 starting locations of that color. Each player throws the 2 dice: the player getting the higher score begins the game.


The goal of Hypnosia is to bring pawns into the center spaces of the board. The first player throws the 2 dice, then has to move 1 or 2 of his pawns the number of spaces indicated by each die. For example, he gets 5 and 4: he can move one pawn 5 spaces and a second pawn 4 spaces, or only one pawn a total of 9 (5+4) spaces. Important: a player must "burn" all the points of a die, so a pawn cannot stop short.

How to move

Pawns can only move in a counter-clockwise direction. Pawns leave their starting location when the player gets a score high enough with a die to allow his pawns to enter the outer circle. For example, the first pawn can enter the circle with any score from 1 to 6, whereas the last one can only enter the circle with a score of 4 or more.

Some locations are special (double-coloured): they permit a pawn to come on the next inner circle by crossing a "bridge". A pawn must first stop on this location, and it's only then it can go on the next inner circle: -during the next turn -in the same turn if the pawn came on the special location with the result of the 1st die.

A pawn can't go on an outsider circle. Once the 2 moves done, the following player on his left does the same sequence of events.

Stacking pawns

A player can stack 2 pawns (2 being the maximum). To do so, he must move a pawn so that it will end his move on a location occupied by an other of his pawn. Now, those 2 pawns are stacked. This stack moves as a single pawn. For strategical reasons, a player can decide to dismantle a stack by moving only one of the pawn of the stack, the second one remaining on its location.

Capturing pawns

A player can remove opponent's pawn. To do so, he must move 1 of his pawn or a stack so that it will end his move on a location occupied by an opponent's pawn or stack; in this case, the opponent's pawn or stack is definitely removed from the game. -A stack can remove a single opponent pawn. -A stack can remove an opponent's stack. -A single pawn can't remove an opponent stack. Every opponent removed pawn gives 1 pt to the remover. Every controller of a removed pawn loses 1 pt.

End of the game/Victory

To enter on the center, a player must: -put a pawn on one of the 6 special locations surrounding the center. -get a "1" with a die (because all points of a die must be "burnt", even there).

The game ends: -as soon as there are 5 pawns on the center. -sooner if there are no more pawns on the board.

The 1st pawn coming on the center gives 5 points, the 2nd: 4 pts; the 3rd: 3 pts; the 4th: 2 pts and the 5th: 1 pt. If a stack comes in the center whereas there are already 4 pawns there, only one of them can enter. In case of a tie, the arrival order on the final location will be considered to decide the ranking of the tied players.