This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Game options and preferences:

З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
Перайсці да навігацыі Перайсці да пошуку

In this file, you can define your game options (= game variants).

Note: If your game has no variant, you don't have to modify this file.

$game_options = array (
        100 => array (
                'name' => totranslate ( 'my game option' ),
                'values' => array (
                        // A simple value for this option:
                        1 => array (
                                'name' => totranslate ( 'option 1' ) 
                        // A simple value for this option.
                        // If this value is chosen, the value of "tmdisplay" is displayed in the game lobby
                        2 => array (
                                'name' => totranslate ( 'option 2' ),
                                'tmdisplay' => totranslate ( 'option 2' ) 
                        // Another value, with other options:
                        //  beta=true => this option is in beta version right now.
                        //  nobeginner=true  =>  this option is not recommended for beginners
                        3 => array (
                                'name' => totranslate ( 'option 3' ),
                                'beta' => true,
                                'nobeginner' => true 

Note²: All options defined in this file should have a corresponding "game state labels" with the same ID (see "initGameStateLabels" in

            self::initGameStateLabels ( array (
                       "my_first_game_variant" => 100,
             ) );