This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Tips cantstop: Розніца паміж версіямі

З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Радок 2: Радок 2:

Try to get as little new black tokens per turn, try to advance one or two.
Try to get as little new black tokens per turn, try to advance one or two.
Don't try to get more than one column per turn
Don't try to get more than one column per turn.

Don't get too greedy.
Don't get too greedy.

Версія ад 21:30, 23 чэрвеня 2017

The numbers on the center of the board are easier to roll.

Try to get as little new black tokens per turn, try to advance one or two. Don't try to get more than one column per turn.

Don't get too greedy. Don't be too sure that you are going to win. Use the Rule of 28. Use your instinct. Overthrow gil_namou and take over his Can't Stop kingdom.