This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Gamehelptakenoko: Розніца паміж версіямі

З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Радок 120: Радок 120:

*note: as long as the diagonal between the 2 colours can be seen to go from top-left to bottom-right, the plot can be sideways or upside down with respect to what is seen on the objective card  
*<B>NOTE</B>: as long as the diagonal between the 2 colours can be seen to go from top-left to bottom-right, the plot can be sideways or upside down with respect to what is seen on the objective card  

'''II. Gardener Objectives (15 total)'''
'''II. Gardener Objectives (15 total)'''

Версія ад 11:04, 9 красавіка 2015

The object of the game is to earn points by completing objectives. There are three types of objectives: Plot, Gardener and Panda. Players start with one of each type.

Each turn consists of 2 steps:

  1. Determine weather (except in the players first turn)
  2. Perform 2 different actions, place any number of improvements and irrigation channels, and complete any number of objectives

Weather types (always optional)

  • Sun - take a 3rd action
  • Rain - grow 1 bamboo on any irrigated plot
  • Wind - may take two identical actions this turn
  • Storm - move panda to any plot and he eats a bamboo as normal
  • Clouds - take an improvement chip from the bank, if no chips are available, choose 1 of the other 4 types of weather
  • Question mark - choose any 1 of the 5 types of weather


  • Plots - draw 3 plot tiles and place one
  • Irrigation - Take an irrigation channel from the reserve. Either place it immediately or store for later use.
  • Gardener - Move the gardener any number of tiles in a straight line and then grow bamboo.
  • Panda - Move the panda any number of tiles in a straight line and then eat a bamboo section. The bamboo is then placed in your reserve.
  • Objective - Take another objective card from one of the 3 decks. There is a hand limit of 5 cards.

Plots can only be placed adjacent to the pond or in a spot next to 2 other existing plots.

There can only be 1 improvement on a plot. Thus, improvements can only be placed on plots with no bamboo or any other improvement. Once an improvement is placed, it cannot be changed. Improvements need to have been picked up during a previous Clouds weather action in order to be placed as soon as a plot is added to the garden. Once you have an improvement in your reserve, click on the desired improvement from the panel on the right (a red box should appear around it) and then select the plot on the board where you wish to place the improvement.

Irrigation channels picked up in a previous Irrigation action may be placed on the board at any time during your turn. Once you have an irrigation channel in your reserve, click on the channel from your panel on the right (a red box should appear around it) and then place the irrigation channel between any two plots (the game allows you to place an irrigation beside the pond, but that is a wasted move as any of the plots beside the pond are considered to be irrigated automatically). When a plot is irrigated for the first time it grows bamboo.

The gardener grows bamboo on the plot that he moves to and all adjacent irrigated plots of the same color. Bamboo stalks normally grow 1 taller with every valid gardener or Rain weather action. However, if the plot has a fertilizer improvement, the bamboo stalk will grow 2 taller with every valid garderner or Rain weather action.

The panda normally eats 1 bamboo from any plot that he moves to either using the Panda action or the Storm weather action. However, the panda can NOT eat any bamboo from a plot with an enclosure improvement.

Game ends when a certain number of objectives have been completed.

  • 2 players - 9 objectives
  • 3 players - 8 objectives
  • 4 players - 7 objectives

The first player to complete the required number of objectives triggers the final round and scores 2 bonus points. The other players have a final turn.

The highest score wins, the tie breaker is number of points on panda objectives. If the score is still tied then all tied players win.

Plot Distribution

28 plots in total consisting of:

  • 12 green plots
  • 9 yellow plots
  • 7 pink plots

List of objectives

I. Plot Objectives (15 total)

Straights, curves and triangles all consist of 3 tiles. Diamonds consist of 4 tiles.

  • Green Triangle - 2 pts
  • Green Straight - 2 pts
  • Green Curve - 2 pts
  • Green Diamond - 3 pts
  • Yellow Triangle - 3 pts
  • Yellow Straight - 3 pts
  • Yellow Curve - 3 pts
  • Yellow Diamond - 4 pts
  • Pink Triangle - 4 pts
  • Pink Straight - 4 pts
  • Pink Curve - 4 pts
  • Pink Diamond - 5 pts
  • Yellow/Green Diamond - 3 pts
  • Pink/Green Diamond - 4 pts
  • Yellow/Pink Diamond - 5 pts
Plot Colour Triangle of 3 Straight of 3 Bend of 3 Diamond of 4 Diamond with NW-SE diagonal *note
Green 2 pts 2 pts 2 pts 3 pts
Yellow 3 pts 3 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Pink 4 pts 4 pts 4 pts 5 pts
Green / Yellow 3 pts
Green / Pink 4 pts
Yellow / Pink 5 pts
  • NOTE: as long as the diagonal between the 2 colours can be seen to go from top-left to bottom-right, the plot can be sideways or upside down with respect to what is seen on the objective card

II. Gardener Objectives (15 total)

  • 4 Tall on Green w/ Fertilizer - 3 pts
  • 4 Tall on Green w/ Enclosure - 4 pts
  • 4 Tall on Green w/ Watershed - 4 pts
  • 4 Tall on Green w/ NO Improvements - 5 pts
  • 3 Tall on 4 Greens - 8 pts
  • 4 Tall on Yellow w/ Fertilizer - 4 pts
  • 4 Tall on Yellow w/ Enclosure - 5 pts
  • 4 Tall on Yellow w/ Watershed - 5 pts
  • 4 Tall on Yellow w/ NO Improvements - 6 pts
  • 3 Tall on 3 Yellows - 7 pts
  • 4 Tall on Pink w/ Fertilizer - 5 pts
  • 4 Tall on Pink w/ Enclosure - 6 pts
  • 4 Tall on Pink w/ Watershed - 6 pts
  • 4 Tall on Pink w/ NO Improvements - 7 pts
  • 3 Tall on 2 Pinks - 6 pts
Bamboo Colour Height Fertilizer Base Watershed Base Enclosure Base Blank Base Any 2 Pink Bases Any 3 Yellow Bases Any 4 Green Bases
Green 4-high 3 pts 4 pts 4 pts 5 pts
Green 3-high 8 pts
Yellow 4-high 4 pts 5 pts 5 pts 6 pts
Yellow 3-high 7 pts
Pink 4-high 5 pts 6 pts 6 pts 7 pts
Pink 3-high 6 pts

III. Panda Objectives (15 total)

  • 2 Green - 3 points (x5 cards)
  • 2 Yellow - 4 pts (x4)
  • 2 Pink - 5 pts (x3)
  • 1 Green, 1 Yellow, 1 Pink - 6 pts (x3)
Panda Objective Number Available Point Value
Green Bamboo x2 5 3 pts
Yellow Bamboo x2 4 4 pts
Pink Bamboo x2 3 5 pts
Green Bamboo x1,
Yellow Bamboo x1,
Pink Bamboo x1
3 6 pts