This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Gamehelppi: Розніца паміж версіямі

З пляцоўкі Board Game Arena
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Няма тлумачэння праўкі
Няма тлумачэння праўкі
(Не паказана 17 прамежкавых версій 5 удзельнікаў)
Радок 1: Радок 1:
== But du jeu ==
P.I. (Private Investigator) is a simple deductive game consisting of 3 mini-games.
Chaque jour doit résoudre une affaire différente, c'est à dire trouver :
* Le coupable
* Là où il se planque
* Le crime / délit

Le jeu se joue en 3 manches indépendantes.

== Déroulement d'un tour ==
== Objective ==
À votre tour vous pouvez faire 1 action parmi 3 :
* Poser un détective
* Piocher un indice
* Tenter de résoudre l'affaire

=== Poser un détective ===
Each player has three cases that they need to solve.
Placez un '''détective''' sur un endroit du plateau.

'''ATTENTION : ''' Vous n'avez que 5 détectives pour ''toute'' la partie (3 manches).
You win by getting the most points for solving the three cases.
* Si l'un des éléments de votre affaire est sur le lieu désigné, BGA y pose un '''disque''' (sans dire lequel)
* Si l'un des éléments de votre affaire est sur un lieu adjacent à votre détective, BGA pose un '''cube''' (on ne sait pas ''QUELLE ZONE'' est concerné)

=== Piocher un indice ===
To solve a case you need to show: The criminal, the location of the criminal and the type of the crime.
Choisissez l'une des 9 '''cartes Indice''' disponible.

On repère l'endroit sur le plateau où se trouve cet élément, et on pose les disques et les cubes de la même manière que pour un détective MAIS en se limitant au type de carte (coupable/lieu/crime).
Each player solves their own unique case each in round. The player on your right has the cards which show the elements of the case you are solving.

''Par exemple'' le joueur prend la carte '''Meurtre'''. BGA placera sur la tuile '''Meutre''' soit :
== Actions ==
* un disque si l'affaire concerne effectivement un meurtre
* un cube si l'affaire concerne un crime/délit dans un lieu voisin du meutre
''NB :'' BGA n'indique rien si c'est un autre élément (lieu/coupable) qui est présent ou adjacent.

=== Tenter de résoudre l'affaire ===
Each turn you can do one of the following actions:
Indiquez les 3 éléments que vous pensez avoir trouvé :
* Si vous avez raison, vous marquez des points dans l'ordre de découverte (1er : 7pts, puis 5 / 3 / 1 / 0)
* Si vous avez tors, vous prenez une pénalité (-2pts)
En cas de résolution lors du même tour de jeu, tout les joueurs gagnent le même nombre de points.

Si après la fin du tour, il reste moins de 2 joueurs, la partie se termine (et l'éventuel dernier ne marque rien).
Use an investigator on a location (You only have 5 for the entire mini-game), or pick an evidence card, or attempt to solve the case.

== Fin de la partie ==
=== Using an Investigator ===
À la fin de la 3ème manche, on additionne les points.
En cas d'égalité, le vainqueur à qui il reste le plus de détectives est déclaré vainqueur.
Si l'égalité persiste, la victoire est partagée.

Using an investigator on a location tells you the number of tiles matching your case in or near that location (either the criminal, the location or the crime) discs and cubes are placed on the investigator as follows:
* Vous connaissez les cartes affaires de votre voisin de gauche (dans la version physique, c'est à vous de placer disques et cubes). Piochez les indices qui le concerne limitera sa chance.
* Privilégiez les cartes qui renvoient au milieu du plateau.
* Disc:  An element is in this investigator's location.
* Si vous soupçonnez un élément et que sa carte Indice est disponible, cela lèvera tout soupçons.
* Cube: An element is in a location that is adjacent to this investigator's location.
* Les détectives sont plus "souples", utilisez-les plutôt en fin de manche.
Which element is present is not indicated.
* Note: You only have 5 Investigators and they are 'one use' only for all three rounds of the entire game.
=== Example Results ===
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Examples
! '''Exact Cards'''
! '''Adjacent Cards'''
! '''Components Used''
| 3 Exact
| 0 Adjacent
| 3 discs / 0 cube, All matching cards are on that location, how lucky! 
| 2 Exact
| 1 Adjacent
| 2 discs / 1 cube
| 1 Exact
| 2 Adjacent
| 1 disc / 2 cubes
| 0 Exact
| 3 Adjacent
| 0 disc / 3 cubes
| 2 Exact
| 0 Adjacent
| 2 disc / 0 cubes
| 1 Exact
| 1 Adjacent
| 1 disc / 1 cubes
| 1 Exact
| 0 Adjacent
| 1 disc / 0 cubes
| 0 Exact
| 0 Adjacent
| 0 disc / 0 cubes
=== Using Evidence Cards ===
Using an evidence card allows you to investigate one particular element of your case, it will only tell you the matching cards that are the same type as the selected evidence card.
* Disc: If the Evidence card matches one of your Case cards, a disc is placed on the matching tile.
* Cube: If the case card's tile is in an adjacent location to the evidence card's tile then a cube will be placed on the tile.
==== Additional Rules With Using Evidence Cards====
* If you already have a disc/cube on one of your Investigator counters and it corresponds with the selected Evidence card then the disc/cube is moved from the investigator counter to the tile matching the selected evidence card.
* If a disc/cube is placed then it must be placed on the tile.
* If no disc/cube is placed then you place the Evidence card in front of your position to remind you that no information was gained.
* If you do place a disc/cube then you discard the card.
=== Attempt to Solve the Case ===
Finally you can attempt to solve the case, click on a criminal, a location and a crime type.
If you're right, then you get points according to how many players solve their cases before you (7 for first, 5 for second, 3 for third and 1 for fourth).
If you're wrong, then you lose 2 points.
The rules seem to imply that you can try to solve only once, and then the round's over for you. On BGA, that's not the case, you can try again, but you accrue the VP penalties (and lose time). If everyone has solved but you, you get 0 points (and penalties you have accrued).
== Phases ==
The game consists of 3 rounds, players are attempting to solve one case in every round.
Each round is composed of phases where each player takes a turn playing one action (beginning with the starting player)
== Solving a case ==
Once a player solves a case for the first time in that round, (in phase 6 of the current round for example,) they get 7 points, and ''each'' subsequent player who solves their case in the same phase (phase 6 in our example) ''also'' gets 7 points.
Once the phase ends, if there are at least two players who didn't solve the case yet, then the game continues, but on the phase the next player
solves the case they get 2 less points and that goes for all players who solve the case in that same phase.
This continues on and on, until only 1 (or 0) player remains.
That player won't gain any points, and the next round starts.

Актуальная версія на 02:37, 27 жніўня 2020

P.I. (Private Investigator) is a simple deductive game consisting of 3 mini-games.


Each player has three cases that they need to solve.

You win by getting the most points for solving the three cases.

To solve a case you need to show: The criminal, the location of the criminal and the type of the crime.

Each player solves their own unique case each in round. The player on your right has the cards which show the elements of the case you are solving.


Each turn you can do one of the following actions:

Use an investigator on a location (You only have 5 for the entire mini-game), or pick an evidence card, or attempt to solve the case.

Using an Investigator

Using an investigator on a location tells you the number of tiles matching your case in or near that location (either the criminal, the location or the crime) discs and cubes are placed on the investigator as follows:

  • Disc: An element is in this investigator's location.
  • Cube: An element is in a location that is adjacent to this investigator's location.

Which element is present is not indicated.

  • Note: You only have 5 Investigators and they are 'one use' only for all three rounds of the entire game.

Example Results

Exact Cards Adjacent Cards 'Components Used
3 Exact 0 Adjacent 3 discs / 0 cube, All matching cards are on that location, how lucky!
2 Exact 1 Adjacent 2 discs / 1 cube
1 Exact 2 Adjacent 1 disc / 2 cubes
0 Exact 3 Adjacent 0 disc / 3 cubes
2 Exact 0 Adjacent 2 disc / 0 cubes
1 Exact 1 Adjacent 1 disc / 1 cubes
1 Exact 0 Adjacent 1 disc / 0 cubes
0 Exact 0 Adjacent 0 disc / 0 cubes

Using Evidence Cards

Using an evidence card allows you to investigate one particular element of your case, it will only tell you the matching cards that are the same type as the selected evidence card.

  • Disc: If the Evidence card matches one of your Case cards, a disc is placed on the matching tile.
  • Cube: If the case card's tile is in an adjacent location to the evidence card's tile then a cube will be placed on the tile.

Additional Rules With Using Evidence Cards

  • If you already have a disc/cube on one of your Investigator counters and it corresponds with the selected Evidence card then the disc/cube is moved from the investigator counter to the tile matching the selected evidence card.
  • If a disc/cube is placed then it must be placed on the tile.
  • If no disc/cube is placed then you place the Evidence card in front of your position to remind you that no information was gained.
  • If you do place a disc/cube then you discard the card.

Attempt to Solve the Case

Finally you can attempt to solve the case, click on a criminal, a location and a crime type.

If you're right, then you get points according to how many players solve their cases before you (7 for first, 5 for second, 3 for third and 1 for fourth).

If you're wrong, then you lose 2 points.

The rules seem to imply that you can try to solve only once, and then the round's over for you. On BGA, that's not the case, you can try again, but you accrue the VP penalties (and lose time). If everyone has solved but you, you get 0 points (and penalties you have accrued).


The game consists of 3 rounds, players are attempting to solve one case in every round.

Each round is composed of phases where each player takes a turn playing one action (beginning with the starting player)

Solving a case

Once a player solves a case for the first time in that round, (in phase 6 of the current round for example,) they get 7 points, and each subsequent player who solves their case in the same phase (phase 6 in our example) also gets 7 points.

Once the phase ends, if there are at least two players who didn't solve the case yet, then the game continues, but on the phase the next player solves the case they get 2 less points and that goes for all players who solve the case in that same phase.

This continues on and on, until only 1 (or 0) player remains.

That player won't gain any points, and the next round starts.